Personal Emergencies (27)A
Kidnapping Mugging, robbery or other criminal attack Unemployment financial disaster
Death in family Home destroyed by fire Random acts of violence
What are the ramifications of each item on my list.??
Now, take your list and create a second column. Put the ramifications of each disaster
in the second column. What do we mean by ramification? How the disaster or
emergency situation could affect you. Think this one through very carefully, as everyone’s
situation is different. For example, families with children have different concerns than those without or singles.
Potential Disaster Ramifications
Thunder storm with electrical outage for 2 (average) to 48 hours (severe)
Food spoilage possible Lack of air conditioning/furnace Damage to house or car
from nearby trees Possible local flooding (see below) Local transportation impaired
by fallen trees, wires Lightning damage/fire potential Severe winter weather,
Electrical power outage for 4hrs (average) to 72 hours (severe)
Would affect furnace operation, Exposure problems, Frozen pipes,
Disruption of travel, transportation, Self or family members possibly stranded
away from home, Possible food shortages, and empty shelves at local markets
Nearby flash flooding, Local transportation disrupted, Danger while traveling in
car or by foot, Possible loss of some utilities.
Nearby train derailment, Possible leak or spill of chemicals, Short-term exposure problem,
Long-term cancer concerns.
Evacuation may be necessary
Riot or other civil disorder, Disruption of commute (ala Los Angeles),
Stranded in car or office while family is at home, and/or school Danger of
riot spreading to my neighborhood, Danger of local kids/low lives taking advantage
of situation, Attack or threat to personal safety, Looting and rampaging by otherwise lawful citizens,
Fire with potentially no response by authorities, Police are overwhelmed, cannot protect law-abiding citizens.
Nuclear plant problems, Reactor vessel damage could result in release of radioactive
chemicals to atmosphere, Evacuation necessary, Terrorism Threat to safety at work
and during business travel, Disruption of commerce, travel Less personal freedom,
privacy as a result of government reaction to terrorism. Once you've created a chart
like the one above, you know what situations you are most likely to face and can prepare your survival plan