Communications (36)
The phone/address books are of friends and family so that you can look them up
after the worst has passed. If phones are not working you may have to travel
to their home to check on them.
*Keep these items in waterproof containers. Many survival and camping stores sell flat,
water tight pouches. If you have a food vacuum sealer, this is another great use for it!
Item Quantity Purchase
Purchase Planned Required Priority
Addresses of friends/family 1
CB Radio 1
Cell phone 1
Map of your local area 2
Phone numbers of friends/family 1
Pre-addressed, stamped postcards 3
Radio (hand cranked) 1
Road/signal Flares (8) 1
Short-wave Radio 1
Signal Mirror 3
Signal Whistle 1 per person 3
Bank account numbers , & birth, death, marriage certificates and divorce decrees,
Charge card account numbers, “lost or stolen” notification numbers
Deeds and contracts,
House and life insurance policies,
Pictures of Inventory of valuable household items,
Medical records including immunizations
Passports, where pertinent for each family member
Social security numbers and docs
Stocks and bonds
Vaccination or shot records