Storage Cramp? (40)
Storage space got you down? Do you feel as though you are tripping over your food storage'?
Never fear - there is a light at the end of the storage tunnel! Storage space seems to
be a never ending problem these days. Many new 'homes are built with terrific vaulted
ceilings, great views, and NO storage space!! Older homes can also have a shortage of space.
With a little creative thinking, and some planning. Saints can have space to store
the important things in your life.
The first thing that must be done, (and this is the very hardest part)
is that you must de-junk your home. Saints are all pack-rats to a certain extent.
At a speech regarding the junking of our homes, the presenter asked how many
people present had a watch at home that did not work.
Every single person in the room held up his hand. Do YOU have one of these
treasures in your home? (Be honest. now!) We all have things in our homes
that were once priceless treasures, but have now become a nuisance.
Get rid of them! There are probably a million suggestions of ways to de-junk.
Choose one that fits with your life style. A book that can help you with this is
Clutter's Last Stand: It's time to de-Junk
Once you have gotten rid of some of the nonessentials, you must become creative.
Stand in each room of your home and take a good look around.
Is there storage space that is currently not being utilized?
Is there space that is being used inefficiently? Are there shelves that could be built taller?
Are there shelves that are deep that are only filled partially?
Making efficient use of the storage space you already have may net you enough
space to store quite a bit.
. There are a lot of nice, new plastic storage containers on the market that may
help you store things more easily, and stack them a bit deeper.
Sturdy cardboard boxes can also help. Grocery stores will generally give you
fruit boxes if you ask. Sam’s Club has a few sturdy boxes for free.
One Saint who is raising four children in a very small turn-of-the-century stone
house has come up with some very creative storage space. She built her own
couches using a basic toy-box type design.
She purchased thick foam rubber and made cushions to go on top of the boxes.
Then she made coordinating pillows to add more comfort to the couch.
The hollow bottoms have given her lots of extra space.
When she moved into the home, the cupboards had space above them.
She modified them so that now her kitchen cupboards go all the way to the ceiling.
No space has been wasted. She completely utilizes the space under her stairs.
An upstairs bedroom built into the attic space still has some space (under the eves)
that she utilizes for additional storage.
Since she does not care for crawling around in dark places, she built small doors
into the wall approximately every four feet. When she needs to put something in
the space or take something out. She simply reaches in the closest door.
Don't forget the space under your beds! There are lots of food items that can be
stored in the small spaces under your beds. Salt, peanut butter, cans of potato flakes,
canned vegetables. and cans of shortening can all be stored easily under the beds.
They are also easily accessible.