Do you REALLY have a year’s supply? (7)
Just how big is a Year’s Supply of food?
As explained on the previous page, our Church is suggesting the
following minimums for each adult:
400 lbs. Grains (Rice and Popcorn) (17.5oz / day)
60 lbs. Beans (2.6oz / day)
10 quarts Cooking oil (Including Extra Virgin Oil and Organic Coconut Oil) (0.87oz / day)
60 lbs. Honey and sugar (2.63oz / day)
8 lbs. Salt (0.35oz / day)
16 lbs Powdered milk (0.70oz / day)
600 gallons of drinking water (for two people for one year)
So, just how much is this?
Two 5 gallon buckets will hold about 50 lbs of rice, or other grains.
This means you need 11 buckets of grain for each person in your family.
If you store all your grains in #10 cans...
Rice, Corn, etc..
You would need 64 cans or 10.5 cases per person.
You would need 32 cans or 5.25 cases per person.
Rolled oats
These are lighter but bulkier, so they require more storage containers and space.
You would need 124 cans or 21 cases person.
A 25 lb bag of beans will about fit in a single 5 gallon bucket, with a little space over,
so 2 buckets would hold a one person supply, or 12 -13 # 10 cans or about 2 cases.
Daily Food
Dividing 400lbs by 365 days, equals out to 1.09589lbs, or just over 1 lb of grain,
per person, per day. That is approximately 2 cups of ungrounded grain to cover
your breakfast lunch and dinner. Dividing 60lbs by 365, this works out to 0.16 lbs
of beans per day, or 2.6 oz—approximately 3/4 cup.
The other foods listed would also need to be used in limited amounts.
This is not much food, folks. Get the basics, then immediately begin to add more kinds
soup mix, canned and/or dehydrated vegetables and fruit, etc to add variety and provide more
than the minimal survival diet. As an example, the minimum recommended amount of grain,
when ground and prepared will yield about6 small biscuits or a plateful of pancakes.
It’s enough to keep you alive, but a far cry from being satisfied and not hungry.